TT Impact Policy

The Green Hydrogen Conference

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“What is the Role of Green Hydrogen in Reaching Net-Zero?”

Green hydrogen is a highly-debated subject within the global energy transition.

At TT Impact Policy, we hosted a private conference to discuss the role of green hydrogen with a group of policy makers, investors, corporate leaders, experts and scientists.

During the gathering, we heard a range of opinions on this topic from the following researchers, who all prepared a position paper exclusively for this TTI conference:

  • John-Paul Clarke
    Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at the University of Texas at Austin, Co-Founder and Board Member at Universal Hydrogen

  • Randy Bell & David Yellen
    Director in Global Energy Security at the Atlantic Council
    Assistant Director at the Atlantic Council

  • Tom Baxter
    Senior Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen and Chemical Engineering Consultant

The results of this event have been discussed in a series of follow up events. To stay updated on topics like green hydrogen policymaking, make sure to sign up for the TTI newsletter.